Millions of people start their day with a hot brewing cup of coffee that soothes their nerves and provides them an instant surge of energy. With various brands of coffee that are produced from medium roasting to dark roasting of Robusta and Arabica Beans, providing different taste and flavor people find it difficult to select the most suitable coffee beans. As the taste and aroma of coffee beans come from the soil and ecosystem that nourishes the development of coffee plants and roasting, many coffee connoisseurs check out these factors before buying coffee packets.
Among various brands of coffee, be it Hawaiian Kona coffee, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee or Espresso coffee, peaberry coffee bean produced in Thailand is one of the rarest and best coffee bean in the world. Known for its distinctive spherical pea-like shape with a sweeter and more flavor than the typical coffee, many people swear by its taste and aroma.
This is a one-of-its-kind coffee bean that develops as a rare variety and constitutes only 5 % of the total coffee beans produced in the world. In this variety, the coffee beans fail to develop as two half-moon shaped and grow as a rounded single bean shaped as a pea.
- They get roasted uniformly leading to a sweeter taste
As they are smooth, rounded and dense single bean, they get roasted uniformly. This adds to the taste and aroma of coffee beans making them more flavorful than the typical coffee beans.
- They are lighter and brighter than the traditional ones
Whether peaberry coffee beans are dry-processed, wet-processed or roasted medium or dark, these are lighter in taste (acidity) and brighter.
- They are expensive but worth the price
Compared to other traditional variants, this kind of coffee comes at a considerably higher price but they are worth it.
So if you want to give the best start of the day you may go for making a hot cup of Java from this specific variant of coffee beans.